New iCheck system to help check customer health and manage footfall

Leicestershire electrical installations firm Ventola Projects has launched an advanced kiosk system that helps operators manage entry and exit, and check visitors have normal body temperatures to within an accuracy of 0.5°C. Aimed at businesses looking for ways to safeguard the health of customers as they reopen, the system can also dispense hand sanitiser and even check and remind people to wear face masks, acting as virtual concierge or gatekeeper to event locations, shopping malls, and entertainment venues.

Able to make bookings and take payments, the 4G/5G compatible VAvR iCheck range has several levels of complexity. It is an app-friendly and efficient solution for the many businesses considering starting appointment systems and the like to protect consumers and help get society back to some semblance of normality.

Operators of larger venues can sync numerous kiosks to manage different locations, for example, in a bowling alley with bowling lanes, a bar, a food order point, a creche and restrooms. That means businesses can not only meet customer needs but attain a real-time picture of in-house activity and ensure different areas aren’t crowded beyond safe levels.

Mick Ventola, Ventola Projects’ founder and managing director, said: “We’ve been experimenting with partners on this kind of technology for a few years and have finally settled on a format and suite of functions that can really help businesses now and when the pandemic has been defeated.

“Of course, the need for heat monitoring is relatively new but we’ve been able to incorporate it into the system at a time when it can offer people vital reassurance. It is our hope that the VAvR iCheck range can be of real benefit for businesses facing tough challenges and real operational dilemmas.”

There are six ‘plug ‘n’ play’ kiosk models to suit various contexts and requirements, and each wall-mounted or free-standing unit is robust and weatherproof for outdoor use. Its many different levels of functionality can be turned on and off easily, so businesses can adapt to the changing environment and manage their monthly subscription costs.

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