KWP shares post-COVID-19 entertainment operator priorities resource

Kevin Williams, founder and director of out-of-home leisure entertainment consultancy KWP, has released an information sheet for the trade, illustrated in partnership with Creative Works.

Titled ‘Top 16 Entertainment Operation Priorities Post COVID-19’, it includes aspects that every operator should be considering as they prepare to recommence business, as well as some aspects on how the market will change. 

“In these uncertain times for the Global entertainment sector – the need to stay focused on the goals ahead is essential. To start the complicated and detailed planning process that will be needed to be able for venues to open #AfterLockdown – a visual aid has been created to help the thought process and start the discussion,” said Williams in a recent release.

During this global health crisis, KWP has compiled ongoing research and gathered information, carried out as a specialist consultancy in the Out-of-Home entertainment sector. Designed in cooperation with facility and attraction provider Creative Works, a 16-step list of priorities for the consideration of re-opening, and the impacts on future business, all brought upon the industry by COVID-19.

“This first version will continue to grow as an informative and important primer towards the work needed ahead. Incorporating updates based on collected information, and governmental advice. This first infographic [below] is aimed to start the process that all those involved with entertainment venues will need to undertake towards the recommencing of business. We hope this information proves valuable.”

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