Embed launches range of Covid-19 support initiatives

Provider of cashless business management systems Embed has launched a range of initiatives during the ongoing Covid-19 crisis.

“Embed is a small business with offices all over the world and we are committed to working with our partners and customers, doing absolutely everything we can, within our means to support our industry’s recovery. The best way out of this is through planning ahead, anticipate what can be done and looking for innovative ways of doing things. We believe that even the smallest of initiatives has the potential to impact and transform a person’s life,” said Renee Welsh, CEO, Embed.

Among Embed’s initiatives are educational and empowering content to help customers get through the present and be ready when business resumes. Topics include 15 Ideas to Engage Your Stay-Home Guests During the Lock-Down to Making Lemonade Out of Lemons and Be A Game Changer During the Covid-19 Crisis.

#EmbedLIVE, meanwhile, is a series of video chats that include segments with opinion leaders across the FEC and attractions industry. 

Women@Embed was launched on International Women’s Day, 2020 because Embed wanted to shine a light on the pioneering women in the FEC and attractions industry. At Attractions Expo in New Orleans, the Embed team captured the stories of pioneering women, such as Vicki Peek, director of marketing at Tilt Studio, and long-time veteran of the FEC industry, and Alicia Lavay, brand director at Vending Times. These video stories are published on the YouTube channel for Women@Embed and additional upcoming stories of will be published every week across Embed’s omni-marketing channels.

Lastly, Embed’s #clubquarantine playlist recognises that music creates a sense of belonging and participation, especially during these unsettling times. Embed employees compiled a list of their favourite tracks to create Embed’s very own #clubquarantine.

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