BALPPA shares Operational Guidance for indoor play areas

BALPPA, the UK trade association for commercial leisure parks, piers, zoos and family entertainment centres, has released a document providing guidance for operators during the COVID-19 crisis.
“This document is to help employers, employees and the self-employed working in England understand how to work as safely as possible and protect their customers during the COVID-19 pandemic. This takes into account broader applicable guidance, such as the recommended social distancing and face coverings guidance,” explains the introduction to the guide.

The document does specify that each business will need to adapt the guidance into the specific actions it dependant on the nature of the business, for example the size and how it is organised, operated and managed.

“A site-by-site approach is essential and COVID-19 risk assessment for premises will be unique. Therefore, this guidance should be used to translate to whatever areas are relevant to your business and any measures that are taken should fit safely with any operational needs.”

The full guide can be viewed and downloaded here.

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